At CrossFit Little Creek, we aim to educate, entertain, inform, and inspire. This coming month (exact dates are listed below!) marks the beginning of one of our events that does all of these and more... The Legion Cup! The Legion Cup is our annual in-house "Competition" that coincides with the Official five-week Crossfit Open.
While the Legion Cup workouts follow those announced during CrossFit HQ's traditional Thursday evening Open annoucements, our "Friday Night Lights" style events also concentrate on team work, inclusivity, and positive vibes! (you can still register for the Official Open and have your workout scored, judged, and validated on the Official CrossFit Open Leaderboard!)
Each year we see our community of athletes come together to support their teammates as they achieve new levels of personal performance during each of the challenging workouts.
For many, it is an accomplishment just signing up, and still others set records on workout completion times or lifting heavier weights than ever before (super cool, but NOT a requirement!) Whatever the record is, it is safe to say that no one walks away without seeing some improvement, learning something about themselves, and 1000 high fives from our CrossFit Little Creek Legion family!
Now, while the Legion Cup IS a team competition, that shouldn't cause you to get too anxious. There are many ways to contribute to your team's points, and most of them ARE NOT based solely on physical performance.
We are not trying to compare you to the other 450,000 people who participate in the Open globally... we are simply having a boat-load of fun while we increase our fitness, improve our energy and mood, and continue our lifelong quest to continue learning and growing.
This year, we will divide up into four teams, each with a Team Captain, a Team Coach, and a team color. (and a funny name of course!)
You can earn points for your team through participation (most points), performance (second-most points) and showing the most spirit during events and while completing side challenges.
After five weeks of completing the workouts as announced, we will reveal the Mystery Event. All we can say for now is you had better start working on your aim!
So what are the next steps?
First, SIGN UP HERE if you are a CFLC member, or HERE if you are a guest looking to participate in the festivities. Registration includes a t-shirt (in your team color) and any prizes your team may accumulate!
Second, come to Draft Night at 6pm Friday, October 4th at AJ Gators (the one directly beside the gym).
On Draft Night, you can watch your name be pulled from the "Sorting Hat"- if you can't make it in person, it will be televised over Facebook and Instagram LIVE).
What happens if you don't get registered in time? Not an issue... we have a plan for that as well, once Recruiting Week begins- but we have to keep those details under wraps for now to keep things fair!
Once you have been assigned or recruited to a team, you will begin a five week journey of completing team challenges, demonstrating your team spirit, and completing the 5 Open workouts at Friday Night Lights (every Friday all teams will come together starting at 4pm to complete the weekly workout together).
Still nervous about that last part? We will have four divisions this year too, which will help even more people earn performance points too! This year's divisions will be Men's, Women's, Men's Masters, and Women's Masters. You will be placed into the correct division by default, so there is no need to worry about selecting anything!
Again, you can SIGN UP HERE if you are a CFLC member, or HERE if you are a guest
POINTS (this list is NOT ALL INCLUSIVE, and subject to change!)
+1 Point – Participation: Receive one point for your team each week that you complete the Open workout and submit a score in SugarWOD before noon on the following Monday. (this means if you are traveling, you can still contribute!)
+2 Points – Friday Night Attendance: Every member of a team that completes an Open workout at CrossFit Little Creek each week during Friday Night Lights earns one point for their team. Maximum one point per athlete per workout. (This goes for Rx, Scaled, and repeating the workout!)
+1 Point – Top 3: every male, female, male masters and female masters member who places among the Top 3 during Friday Night Lights for each workout gets an extra point for their team. (The best scaled score will rank directly behind the lowest Rx score)
+5 Points (team) – Spirit: The team with the most noise, pride, and PRESENCE each week will receive 5 bonus points.
+5 Points (bonus) – 6th workout: see below.
+## Points – Completion of weekly challenges and other special tasks!
In 2019, Â The Legion Cup will have five workouts; we have a secret BONUS event planned too!
For most of our members, the Legion Cup is an annual measuring stick to test their improvements in their fitness.
Expect to see the regular class programming shift as the Open nears in preparation for the workouts we will likely see.
We’ll have a couple specialty programs available for those who want to improve one or two specific skills, too, and we’ll announce those by next week. In the meantime, if you’re dying to get your first toes-to-bars, or link your pull-ups, tell your coach! We’ll get you some 1:1 time and homework!
You could win a random drawing each week for something great... perhaps some personal training or a tasty treat!
The top team will also earn a GRAND prize. Details released soon!
Don't forget, our focus is on FUN. We want participation because it will make you fitter, and it will get you more high-fives and you’ll be happy and love life more.
Let's DO IT!